Voice of an Unmarried Girl at the age of 25 in India

Marriage and Motherhood Are Choices, Not Obligations. Why is it so difficult for us to look at women as individuals and not ‘marriage materials’ or ‘potential mothers’?

A girl who is at the age of 25 and still not married in India will face the following stupid questions from society. When is your marriage? Why you are still not married? Why are you still adding a burden to your parents? When will be the marriage party will be given? 

So many questions have been keeping on rounding the unmarried girl. Why the society keeps on telling the girl to get married soon and to take responsibility?

Even though we live in a so-called modern society, but no one is with the modernized thoughts! (To be frank)Nowadays, we can see major changes where women play a significant role in all the sectors and who got great exposure to bring out their talents.

Life of unmarried girl

But again, society wants a girl to get married at a certain age. But why? The question stands hypothetical! I don't know who has decided all these things. When a girl has to marry? When a girl has to get pregnant? When a girl has to take responsibility?

If a girl has been dreaming for her goals to reach or if a girl has to lead an independent life, why she has not been given the freedom to do whatever she wants to do. Why a girl has to shatter her dreams in the name of marriage?

As society speaks about gender equality, why can't we give equality in this too?

A deep scar of an Unmarried girl

As a girl at the age of 25, you would become a topic to be discussed in your family and whenever a relation visits home, the question they raise would be when are you going to get married? Everyone starts showing concern for you. Particularly to discuss marriage.

An unmarried girl can't attend any relations functions or any celebrations. Because they too the topic will be about her marriage. Even though you are successful in your career, when you aren't married, you are considered a failure to society.

Nose poking people:

There are some groups of people who are always interested in poking their nose and keep on giving some unwanted suggestions. At some point in time, everybody starts judging the character of the girl.

There are some groups of people who start saying that nowadays you started looking older, why can't you marry soon before your face gets older.

A relative comes as a Marriage broker: 

The other group of people starts to take the position of marriage brokers and starts doing alliance works. When have you people started this new job? 

The free advice group: 

These kinds of people are so dangerous because, in the name of free advice, they shatter the confidence and the self-esteem of the girl.

The advice would be "This is the right time to get married and to have children". Who decided the right time to get married? 

Home turns into House

Suddenly a girl starts to face that her own home has started looking at her differently. A home that has been filled with love and care will turn out to be bricks and walls with no love. It makes the girl feel like that she is not belonging to her own home.

Marriage is a choice

Closing Thoughts:

Let us take a moment to appreciate every woman who went against society to take a stand for herself. It’s time we start looking at marriage and motherhood as personal choices instead of obligations. 

As a woman, I believe no one has the right to decide what is best for us.

If marriage and motherhood can bring happiness in your life, go ahead and grab the opportunity. But if you think it’s not your cup of tea, you don’t have to force yourself into it just to please others.


  1. Typical indian girls feelngs 😒

  2. They say nothing is constant , other than change, and here everything is changing except people's mindset.


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